Plane progress...

Allow me to introduce Sr Rod Lebrero.
Former pilot and well known and respeced Spanish aviation lawyer and owner of Lebrero Abogados in Madrid.
He and his team has preapred and filed a lawsuit against SAESA and is my next move in order to get the missing documentation on EC-FMC and to settle the contract breach that the seller has made and also to get compensation for the damages that SrAranda /SAESA has caused to the project.
FMC appears to be in good health and I get regular reports from my local friends that She is doing fine in the sun.

She has been moved from the tarmac back to the soil behind the hangar where she sat earlier.

I just Love Roberto Yanes photos.
As for mechanical progress we cannot brag about any.. for the time beeing.
When the paper issues are solved we intend to install two new engines, (Sponsors/Investors are most welcome) hang our newly overhauled and polished Hamilton props and give her a fresh extended overhaul (again) and get going.
Eventhough we have lost some of our steam on the way we will be up to working pressure when the time has come. Please stay posted!