November/December 2010

This time I went all alone with the intention to get 64064 in a hangar for the first time in a very long time.

I also met Jesus! He works in the bar and he is my friend:)

In order to increase the clearance between th wingfloats and the hangar roof i lowered the floats and realized in time that I would have to move my Renault....

I got rid of the waterfilled barrels and hooked up the venerable Landrover.

L/H wing, will fit...

R/H wing will fit...

The tail will fit if I lower the tail 1,5m..

The engines will have about 10cm clearence aswell, looking goo so far!

By some reason, I still havent figured out why. The landlord decided that the hangar would be to crowded so consequently I would have to remain outside.... Two days of work in vain...

The LR was put to work again.

The barrels hooked up.

All covers returned to their locations and prepared for one more Spanish winter.
To sum up 2010 the propellers are now ready for delivery... Finally and the engines are installed. When we return in April/May we will install the propellers and prepare her for engine runs, preoiling etc. The previous owner also had some surprices up his sleeve when he refused to produce the proper documentation for the engines... The spring will show how this delicate question will be solved. There are several issues in the contract that he refuses to honor and I will try and stay out of the court but if he continues to be unreasonable this project may take much longer than anticipated.
Thanks for watching and a merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all!
Postat av: F
å God Jul och Gott Nytt 2011 - året då 64064 flyttar norröver!
Stort Tack för att Du gör flygsverige lite roligare, David.
Postat av: Anonym
Hoppas... :)
Postat av: J, NRK
Hoppas vi snart får glädjas åt att se 64064 här på nordligare breddgrader.
Postat av: David
Tack, jag med;)
Postat av: Rudolf
Väldigt bra blog du har men när ska du göra ett nytt inlägg egentligen?